Certified Conscious Leadership Coach, Author, Speaker and the Founder of Quantum Thinking
Healing Conversation #120
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Most people think they are in control of their life, but life just happens, and every single decision that you make as it unfolds shapes how you experience it. You navigate your life, making choices as you are faced with your experiences, and you have free will to surrender or resist. You can choose to follow the higher wisdom of your soul or keep blindly seeking to control how your life unfolds.
Life is always in flow, continually changing and evolving. You can learn from it or fight it. Imagine for a moment that life is like an ever-changing, flowing river. As it encounters obstacles, it changes it course and does not resist or fight them. It flows around obstacles in its path with patience and ease, unconstrained by its surroundings. It adapts.
Approach your life as if it were flowing water, and learn to adapt to its vicissitudes instead of resisting or fighting them.
Valeria Teles interviews Claudia Velandia. She is the author of WAKE UP! : How to Get Out of Your Mind, Stop Living on Autopilot, and Start Choosing Your Best Life.
Claudia Velandia is inspired to inspire people to connect and align with their essence so they can experience life fully, without limitations, and together contribute to the well-being of the world.
Nine years ago, she found herself hitting rock bottom. She was living in the motions of living. She didn't like what she was doing with her life and where it was heading. She felt without purpose and meaning. She was looking to escape from her mind and her emotions. Her outlets were working, partying and dating. But all that they did was deepening her suffering.
To get out of her own way, she started working on herself and looking within. She opened the connection with her spiritual path. She began to make changes and not allowing herself to get in the way of living her best life.
Now that she is on "the other side," she can recognize how all of it was created on her mind. She was living as on autopilot. She began to realize that individuals are suffering because they are living so much in their minds. They are also limiting their potential as they continue living from a conditioned perspective —they are in the box that is also impacting their well-being.
Her observations lead her back to school and become a Certified Conscious Leadership Coach and the founder of Quantum Thinking. It inspired her to write this book.