Author, Writer, Mother, Yoga Teacher, And Adventure-Seeker
Healing Conversation #191
Embodying your wisdom and your courage is the path to experiencing freedom and a more authentic life! But what does it mean to embody your wisdom, courage, and freedom? The goal of some spiritual paths is to transcend the body in order to achieve enlightenment or some higher state of being. But in a yogic/tantric tradition, your body is the gateway to wisdom.
Your body is the place from which you experience this lifetime. Your physical body and your senses allow you to experience light, temperature, hunger, color, sound, pain, and pleasure. Your energy body pulses and breathes and creates space for the movement of emotions. And your mind is seated in the body, having a constant dialogue with the sensations and emotions, changing the way you perceive what is happening in any given moment. There is a deep wisdom in all of this. And there is a innate wisdom in the body. A wisdom that exists beyond words and thoughts. The body often knows the truth of our experience before our mind has a chance to process it and alter its meaning. Learning to listen to your body gives you access to this wisdom.
For this reason, Calista Ocean teaches embodied practices like yoga, movement, and breathwork to support others in reconnecting with their bodies and the wisdom within. She uses guided visualization and journaling as a way to access personal insight. And most importantly, she invites others to take actions to bring their inner wisdom into being. To embody it in their day-to-day life. In her book, Exploring Your Inner Landscape, you’re invited to take time to explore the terrain of your soul – to find your beauty, courage, and freedom within. Each week, you’ll be invited to do weekly practices, reflect on journaling prompts, and take actions to live a life that feels more authentic and aligned with your wisdom.
Valeria interviews Calista Ocean!
Calista Ocean (RYT-200) is a writer, a mother, a yoga teacher, and an adventure-seeker. Her personal yoga practice taught her to listen to the wisdom of her own body and led her deep into the landscape of her soul. Besides supporting her health and well-being, this journey inspired her to make changes - a series of changes, both big and small.
In 2018, after eighteen months of planning and an unexpected battle with early stage breast cancer, she sold her home and left her full-time job in southern California to “live in the world” and finish writing her first novel. A sense of adventure and a willingness to trust compelled her to let go of the life she knew in order to reach for the life she knew was possible. She’s still exploring and inviting others to do the same. Calista is passionate about inviting others to journey through the beauty of their inner landscape by practicing yoga and self-reflection. Her workshops and private sessions combine yoga, breathwork, dynamic movement, and visualization to support those who long to reconnect with their body in order to remember their own wisdom.