Spiritual Transformation
Certified Spiritual Counselor And Spiritual Teacher, Author And Speaker
Healing Conversation #491
— “When the love and inspiration of your very heart and soul override the fear of your mind, you will know peace.”
If you've been begging God for help and not getting a reply, there's a reason why! Through this simple yet dynamic process, you can build real physical evidence of how God can bail you out. In this book you'll uncover:
Why depression and anxiety are a normal part of spiritual evolution
The key spiritual faculty that allows you to be emotionally independent
How to stop the inertia of your life, tie up loose ends and start over
How your current circumstances aren't proof of you failing in life
How to physically feel God
The methodology for effective prayer for real results
What to do when you spiritually evolve out of relationships and the mainstream
And more!
If you're tired of being a victim of your own life, it's time to take control. Even if you don't know "how" anything is going to change, you can partner with the One who does! If you're low on faith and motivation, start here and upbuild your life from nothing!
Valeria Teles interviews Rebecca Rockwood — the author of “If I'm So Spiritual, Why Do I Feel So Crappy?: How to Partner with the Divine to Upbuild Your Life from Nothing.”
Rebecca Rockwood is a Certified Spiritual Counselor and spiritual teacher based in the Chicago area. Rebecca helps people to navigate the turbulence of spiritual evolution to overcome lifelong depression, anxiety, and spiritual disconnection.
To learn more about Rebecca Rockwood and his work please visit: https://www.rebeccarockwood.com/
— This podcast is a quest for well-being, a quest for a meaningful life to the exploration of fundamental truths, enlightening ideas, insights on physical, mental, and spiritual health. The inspiration is Love. The aspiration is to awaken new ways of thinking that can lead us to a new way of being, being well.