Healing Chronic Fatigue & Fibromyalgia
Healer, Board Certified Internist And Nationally Known Expert In The Fields Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Sleep And Pain, Author, And Speaker
Healing Conversation #722
— “I find that most people have no idea who they really are or what they really want. They go through life doing what everybody else has told them to do, living up to others’ expectations. Until I had the illness, I never even thought about what I wanted. My life was all about “shoulds”—what my parents, religion, school, government, and everyone else thought I should be and do. Talk about what a friend of mine called “getting should on!”
I never even considered what it was that I wanted . . . until CFS and fibromyalgia left me homeless and sleeping in parks, my dreams shattered. But when I recovered, I realized that not all those things I had been carrying were my dreams. As I improved enough to go back to medical school, I chose to pick up the parts of my own life that felt good to me, that I was passionate about. And I left the rest behind. This created a space for joy and the power to create anything that I chose—including effective treatment for everybody with this illness. The power to be authentically me . . . which, if you think about it, is quite priceless.” - Writes Dr. Teitelbaum
Valeria Teles interviews Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum — the author of “From Fatigued to Fantastic! Fourth Edition: A Clinically Proven Program to Regain Vibrant Health and Overcome Chronic Fatigue.”
Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D., is one of the most frequently quoted integrative, pain and fibromyalgia medical authorities in the world. He is the author of couple of books from his latest book to, Pain Free, 1,2,3!, the Complete Guide to Beating Sugar Addiction, Real Cause Real Cure, The Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Solution, Diabetes Is Optional and the popular free Smart Phone app Cures A-Z. He is the lead author of 7 studies on effective treatment for fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, and a study on effective treatment of autism using NAET. Dr. Teitelbaum appears often as a guest on news and talk shows nationwide including Good Morning America, The Dr. Oz Show, Oprah & Friends, CNN, and FoxNewsHealth.
To learn more about Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum and his work, please visit: vitality101.com and endfatigue.com
— This podcast is a quest for well-being, a quest for a meaningful life through the exploration of fundamental truths, enlightening ideas, insights on physical, mental, and spiritual health. The inspiration is Love. The aspiration is to awaken new ways of thinking that can lead us to a new way of being, being well.