Bonnie Barness
Experience The SHIFT — Meet Your True Self!
Owner of Barness Counseling and Coaching Services, Founder of SHIFT Actualization, and creator of Certified SHIFT Actualization Coach and Facilitator Training, Psychotherapist, Hypnotherapist, SHIFT Actualization Coach, Author, Speaker, Trainer
Healing Conversation #897
— “Your True Self is who you truly are. It is your Soul. It is your Essence. It is YOU. Your True Self is kind, compassionate and wise. Your True Self is the source of your creativity and your inner power. Because you are connected to your True Self, you feel good and have a wonderful sense of well-being. You are connected to your power source, to your strength, to your Center. You are connected to that which allows you to create a wonderful life. It is the source that will provide fuel for your upcoming life’s journey.”
Valeria Teles interviews Bonnie Barness — the author of
“ Experiencing The Shift - Book One: A New Way Of Thinking Seeing And Being.”
Bonnie Barness is from Beverly Hills, California and is a graduate of U.C.L.A. She currently resides in Scottsdale, Arizona, where she maintains a private practice providing psychotherapy , hynotherapy and SHIFT Actualization™ Coaching.
Ms. Barness has created the SHIFT Actualization Process™ in which individuals are able to shift out of pain, blocks, barriers, and limitations, into a new state of consciousness, allowing for a greater experience of joy, happiness, fulfillment and the manifesting of dreams. A sense of hope, relief and freedom often is experienced for individual dealing with anxiety , loss, depression and addiction. She helps families and couples move out of conflict into deep, intimate connection. Those consciously on a spiritual path reach new levels of insight, understanding and experience. For some, the SHIFT take place over a period of time. For others, it happens immediately.
As an author and speaker, Ms. Barness enjoys sharing her unique approach to relationships, life and spiritual growth with others. On radio and television, on social media and as an expert source for the Arizona Republic, and her advice column, “Ask Bonnie” she has provided specific strategies for dealing with life’ challenges and for living life to the fullest.
Through her books and workbooks, as well as during SHIFT Actualization™, seminars and weekend retreats, she and her Certified SHIFT Facilitators help individuals and professionals turn personal and professional dreams into a reality. For more information about her books, events and SHIFT Facilitator Training, please visit BonnieBarness.com or her YouTube channel Connecting with Your True Self at Bonnie Barness. If you are interested in arranging future speaking engagements, customized SHIFT Actualization™ seminar and retreats or private coaching session, please email her at BonnieBarness@yahoo.com
To learn more about Bonnie Barness and her work, please visit: bonniebarness.com
Also, Watch The Insightful Video Below:
— This podcast is a quest for well-being, a quest for a meaningful life through the exploration of fundamental truths, enlightening ideas, insights on physical, mental, and spiritual health. The inspiration is Love. The aspiration is to awaken new ways of thinking that can lead us to a new way of being, being well.