Master Certified Life and Leadership Coach — Speaker
Healing Conversation #1237
— Carolyn’s area of expertise lies in transforming amateur mindsets into a professional outlook, a crucial aspect in the Game of Life. Why does she call it “The Game of Life”? Because, just like any game, life:
— Has a beginning and an end.
— There are rules to be observed if we want to stay in the game.
— There are winners and losers.
— It’s not about our worth — it’s about our skills.
— We can always improve at it.
— We don’t have full control over the outcome, but we do over the process.
—It’s got to be fun!
In this podcast interview, Carolyn’s intention is not to tout her coaching services but to unveil as many of her 50 principles of living life as a "Pro." Carolyn firmly believes that even embracing a single principle from her handbook can steer you toward a more powerful and purposeful life!
Valeria interviews Carolyn Mahboubi — She is a distinguished Life and Leadership Coach who works with some of the most extraordinary and interesting people in the world.
Armed with over four decades of leadership and entrepreneurial prowess, she empowers her clients (both young and not-so-young adults) to seize the reins of their lives, families, and businesses, and lead with Radical Responsibility.