Walk & Talk Therapy: Inviting Relaxation, Insights, & Positive Changes
Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker with Waypoint Wellness, And Speaker
Healing Conversation #1005
— Have you thought about meeting your therapist outdoors and walk together while the therapeutic processes unfold?
If not, it’s time for an added natural healing component! Nature! This is not a new practice method. In fact, it is a very ancient concept. Aristotle and Socrates famously walked during lectures. Sigmund Freud often walked with patients during the analysis process. Although it is unknown why this form of teaching and therapy fell out of fashion, it is finally seeing a resurgence in popularity and utility. Not only do we have increasing evidence of the effectiveness of walking with your therapist, but there are also many practical reasons that this form of therapy may be right for you. Exercising, especially walking, provides well-established cardiovascular benefits and the incorporation of movement with the therapeutic conversation increases the integrative capacity of each therapy session. In other words, moving while talking makes short work of problem-solving, gaining insight, and making positive changes in your life!
Valeria interviews Layla Niemann — She is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker with Waypoint Wellness Center located in Huntsville, Alabama.
To learn more about Layla and her work, please visit: waypointwellness.net
— This podcast is a quest for well-being, a quest for a meaningful life through the exploration of fundamental truths, enlightening ideas, insights on physical, mental, and spiritual health. The inspiration is Love. The aspiration is to awaken new ways of thinking that can lead us to a new way of being, being well.