Love, Love Is All, The Great Healer!
Author, Meditation Teacher, PhD in Artificial Intelligence, Podcaster and Speaker
Healing Conversation #1213
— “Be the Love in all and everything – this is the lesson, and it can be hard. This will be the key, is the key. You search for the answers to life, to manifesting and you are the key. You are LOVE and Love heals, and creates all, for it is ALL.
Love is a consciousness, and you are that consciousness! A spark, a part in this body, this beautiful body, connected to the Oneness, to all and everything. Love = Universe. The consciousness of Love manifests all – galaxies, stars, tea, coffee! And once you sit with this and become that Love, release the veils/barriers you put up to hide you from it, then the answers start to come in.
There is nothing to do beloved, sit and be loved, all will be revealed. Too simple for the human mind which wants to keep doing BEING is the key to finding the answers. So, sit and be loved, all the time, receive that Love, let it pour through you, and let the mysteries unfold and be revealed.”
Valeria interviews Malti Patel — She is the author of “Ascending Into The Light: Messages From The Angels.”
Malti Patel has a PhD in Artificial Intelligence. She has been a lecturer in the Computer Science Department of universities and worked in the I.T. department of various companies in the U.K. for many years. Malti started her spiritual journey about 20 years ago and that is her passion. She has taken self-development courses in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), Reiki Healing as well as many spiritual workshops. She has taught meditation in various companies and also taught spiritual workshops on subjects such as the Chakras and Connecting to your Intuition. Malti also teaches meditation to individuals and uses this to help people overcome limiting beliefs that may be preventing them from reaching their goals. Malti has a podcast called EnlightOne on iTunes and Spotify etc which explores various aspects of this and self-development., the Chakras, and Connecting to your Higher Self.
To learn more about Malti Patel and her work, please visit:
— This podcast is a quest for well-being, a quest for a meaningful life through the exploration of fundamental truths, enlightening ideas, insights on physical, mental, and spiritual health. The inspiration is Love. The aspiration is to awaken new ways of thinking that can lead us to a new way of being, being well.