Traci Hill

The Impact Of Emotional Healing: Releasing Emotions To Heal The Body

Chicago Firefighter, Subtle Energy Alchemist Coach, Founder Of Conscious Evolution and Speaker

Healing Conversation #1105

— “Recognizing your triggers is one of the hardest things to do.  You can begin to overcome them after you've owned up to them — although it is not easy. First, you must examine yourself honestly.  Being brutally honest and upfront with yourself will be essential.  It's important to know that nobody is grading this.  This treasure hunt of unpleasantries does not concern anyone else.  It is a solo project.  You don't need to be shy.  Embrace your true self and take your time with it.”


Valeria interviews Traci Hill — With her extensive wellness education, experience at defying the odds and energy healing spirit, Traci helps guide those who are ready to reach the triad of success through soulful, intuitive exploration.

Traci’s life came to a crossroads when she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis at age 25.  She fought back by implementing healthy lifestyle changes with her holistic nutrition education, fitness experience, and energy healing gifts, and she successfully manages the disease with no medication. She shares her approach on the Facebook group she founded, Healing MS Naturally.  

Traci received her Master’s in Kinesiology from University of Illinois at Chicago and her health coach training from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. She has training and is a provider for TRE - Trauma Release Exercise and is a certified FLOW breathing coach.  She also uses the Scale of Consciousness and Body Code to help people raise their vibration.  Traci is also in the process of receiving her PhD in Natural Medicine while continuing her career as a Chicago Firefighter and Subtle Energy Alchemist Coach with her Conscious Evolution business.

To learn more about Traci Hill and her work, please visit:

Also, ENJOY a free gift from Traci: one session of emotional clearing via my email:









— This podcast is a quest for well-being, a quest for a meaningful life through the exploration of fundamental truths, enlightening ideas, insights on physical, mental, and spiritual health. The inspiration is Love. The aspiration is to awaken new ways of thinking that can lead us to a new way of being, being well.