Are You Ready To Embrace Your Soul Design?
Advanced Arcturian Hybrid Avatar, Published Author, International Public Speaker, Creator Of The Arcturian Energy Matrix Healing® - Multidimensional Way Of Healing For Conscious Evolution, Advocate For Planetary Ascension, And Owner Of Infinite Healing From The Stars LLC.
Healing Conversation #1034
— Imagine what it would be like to live without fear and embrace more Universal Joy! As an evolutionary catalyst for self-mastery and conscious ascension, Viviane offers the Arcturian Healing Arts program at three levels. Through this advanced galactic program, you will awaken to the fifth dimension and beyond. Those interested in growing intellectually, emotionally, physically, spiritually, in abundance, and in relationships are welcome to participate. Group healing is part of our ancient galactic healing program. Healing, resolution, reconciliation, and expansion beyond stories, limitations, restrictive energies and any other resonance of blockages are all possible in this higher vibrational quantum space.
Valeria interviews Viviane Chauvet — She is an Advanced Arcturian Hybrid Avatar, published author, international public speaker, creator of the Arcturian Energy Matrix Healing® - Multidimensional Way of Healing for conscious evolution, advocate for planetary ascension, and owner of Infinite Healing from The Stars LLC.
To learn more about Viviane and her work, please visit:
— This podcast is a quest for well-being, a quest for a meaningful life through the exploration of fundamental truths, enlightening ideas, insights on physical, mental, and spiritual health. The inspiration is Love. The aspiration is to awaken new ways of thinking that can lead us to a new way of being, being well.