The Beljanski® Approach to Wellness, a holistic program to help you Feel Better Naturally SM
Health Coach
— Josephine Scandale, Certified Holistic Health Coach at Maison Beljanski, NY, provides a personalized program that will improve your health and wellbeing. Your personalized plan will cover nutrition, movement, dietary supplements and other factors that will help you holistically and naturally achieve your wellness goals. Josephine has studied all major dietary theories, works directly with healthcare professionals throughout the world and has over 10 years experience with the Beljanski® Approach to Wellness.
— From 20 minute to 40 minute private coaching sessions.
— All training and private sessions are held over the phone, on Zoom or Skype, or at the Maison Beljanski Store (located 317 E 53rd street, NY, 10022, NY, USA)
Special for Fit For Joy Referrals! Use coupon code FITFORJOY when booking to receive 10% off your first coaching session!
Begin Your Lifestyle Change Today!
— Focus on You
From lifestyle changes and nutritional guidance to support and movement, our health coach Josephine Scandale uses a holistic approach to working one-on-one with you. The program is geared toward improving your overall health.
— Establish a Connection
One of the most important factors in having success with your health coaching program is to have a comfortable relationship with your health coach!
— Set Realistic Goals
With an understanding of your day to day lifestyle (work, diet, family health history, medications, and exercise) and what you’d like to accomplish, our health coach Josephine Scandale will work with you to establish realistic and attainable goals.
— Think Positive
Josephine will help you establish a positive mind-set. It is not realistic to only have positive thoughts in your mind, but the key is being able to take a negative situation and choose to still be optimistic.
— Conquer Obstacles
Whether it be work, family, friends, injury, sickness etc. there always seems to be something in the way of taking control of your health. One of the biggest benefits to working with Josephine is being held accountable to stay on track with your program. Josephine will work with you to make sure you keep up the recommendations and create a plan that fits your schedule.
— Develop a Healthy Independent Lifestyle
Josephine wants to teach and help you develop habits so you can live a healthier lifestyle on your own. The fundamental objective is for you to learn how to reach your goals and never look back for the rest of your life!