Author, Joyful Wares, Spiritual Director, Ordained Minister
Joy Resor's experience, books, and consciousness make her an awesome joy bringer extraordinaire. Life has taught her plenty and she's certified in ways to support you. Let Joy's fifth-dimensional being enliven you in ways that fit your life.
— She'll listen, ask questions and offer ideas to improve and elevate what you can live into.
— Complimentary calls of 20 minutes to see if you'd like a session.
— Phone, Zoom or Skype sessions of 60- 75 minutes.
=>Go In Joy! An Alphabetical Adventure - essays, poems
and questions inspiring readers into deeper joy and to loving life.
=> Go In Joy! Venture to Your Center: Journaling Prompts to Enliven
Your Joy - A journal filled with topics/questions, enabling the reader to learn more about themselves.
=> Designed to SHINE! Read Aloud Rhymes for Any Size Heart
An award-winning, fully illustrated book of meaningful rhymes and art for your heart to enjoy with children or alone.
Joyful Wares:
A variety of colorful, inspiring wares to display, wear and use everyday.
Contact Joy Resor to purchase signed copies of books or to receive sacred listening and wisdom through a confidential, complimentary session on the phone.