Non-Dual And Somatic Inquiry Facilitator, Trainer, And Speaker
Julianne Eanniello is a non-dual and somatic inquiry facilitator and trainer. She came to non-dual and somatic inquiry because she was seeking relief from her own physical and emotional pain. She offers certification training in the Kiloby Inquiries, and individual sessions, workshops, and deepening courses in the Kiloby and Living Inquiries. She is also a certified TRE provider, and Co-Founder and Clinical Director of the Kiloby Center for Recovery in Rancho Mirage CA.
Non-dual and somatic inquiry is a safe, gentle way to explore our conscious and unconscious beliefs about ourselves and others. It involves directly facing and exploring our thoughts, beliefs, and feelings with a sense of openness and curiosity, and ultimately seeing that all we are ever experiencing are thoughts and feelings appearing in the present moment. When identification with those thoughts and feelings relaxes, and we begin to accept and allow our present moment experience, we see that the peace and freedom we wanted was always here.
Julianne works with clients all over the world on virtually any topic, including spiritual seeking, stress, anxiety, depression, traumatic historical experiences, relationship issues, addiction, compulsion, and general unhappiness with ourselves and our lives.