Owner of Barness Counseling and Coaching Services, Founder of SHIFT Actualization, and creator of Certified SHIFT Actualization Coach and Facilitator Training, Psychotherapist, Hypnotherapist, SHIFT Actualization Coach, Author, Speaker, Trainer
A Spirit Led Life Free from Narcissistic Abuse & Trauma Bond
Certified & Accredited Narcissistic Abuse Specialist, Somatic Trauma Informed Coach, Prekure Mental Health Coach And Trained Practitioner Of Living Wisdom Pastoral Therapy And Brainspotting. She is also the Founder Of Victory Overwhelming.
How The Wealthy Stay Healthy: Longevity & Wellness
World-Renowned, Highly-Awarded Concierge Physician, Assistant Professor At UCLA School Of Medicine And Cedars-Sinai Medical Center — Bespoke Healthcare and Speaker